Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Guest Post by Ricky

Today I will be talking about skateboarding in the 70's and now. Skate boarding has changed.
Before the 360's you had to go around in a circle but,now there is something called a 360 kickflip, now you have to jump with the skateboard in a circle. Those are the differences between 360 now and 360 before.

Before they used to have no gear, either on the skateboard or on their body, but now on the skateboards they have a tail and they even have helmets and elbow pads too.

Competition has changed. Before the competitions were the slalom,click clack, freestyle,and even point to point. But now for the competition these days they have skate parks,street style,vert,ramps ,and even S.K.A.T.E. Those are the differences between competition now and before.

by Ricky

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